Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Use this step-by-step guide as a comprehensive walkthrough of stacks. The goal of this guide is to build a simple deployment and then gradually create a more complex deployment using features of stacks that you will probably reuse in your own deployments.

This guide uses a Linux command-line tool and assumes you are familiar with YAML syntax and are comfortable running commands on a Linux command-line window.


If this is your first time using stacks, try the Getting Sarted Guide first.

Installation and Setup

Follow the setup steps to prepare your local environment to use stacks.

Install stacks

$ pip install cfstacks

Configure Authentication

Stacks supports standard AWS SDK configuration, which means you can interact with multiple AWS accounts via profiles.

Be sure to replace access keys with your own ones.

AWS credentials file

$ install -d -m 0700 ~/.aws
$ vim ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKIAIqH2jHP2BGMKPikN
aws_secret_access_key = HFq+nQfq59yStF+qLl6/rW0AHFq+nQfq59yStF+q
output = json
region = us-east-1

aws_access_key_id = AKIAIj2UPlaLJgMmNejS
aws_secret_access_key = UZSYq2dzZqLzc1s+sXENnzEmUZSYq2dzZqLzc1s+
output = json

As you can see project2 profile does not have region specified, in this case, the region will have to either be provided via AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable or command line argument stacks --region us-west-1.

Environment variables

export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="HFq+nQfq59yStF+qLl6/rW0AHFq+nQfq59yStF+q"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"

Now that you have set up your environment, you can begin constructing your deployment.

Create a Deployment

For this guide, let’s define a set of templates that will create a new multi-AZ VPC and an autoscaling group to launch an instance in the new VPC.

If you were working with native CloudFormation JSON templates, you would have to define all your AWS resources for this deployment in a single JSON template, because CloudFormation JSON templates are static - there is no way to reference resources created by different CloudFormation templates.

Stacks aims to solve this problem, by allowing you to logically separate out AWS resources. As your infrastructure grows, it makes sense to have your VPC defined in a separate template from S3 buckets or RDS instances.

First of all, we need to create a local directory structure, it will help keep all the files you create in this guide organized:

$ mkdir -p step-by-step/{templates/snippets,config.d}
$ cd step-by-step

Create a properties file

If you remember from Getting Sarted Guide guide, we used command line arguments to specify template properties. In this guide we are going to create properties configuration file config.yaml. A properties file allows us to set key/value pairs and reference values from within templates.

$ vim config.yaml
vpc_name: MyVPC

ami_name: CoreOS-beta-877.1.0-hvm
instance_type: t3.micro

Define a VPC template

From this point, we assume that you are familiar with CloudFormation templates. Let’s jump right in and start by creating a VPC template.

$ vim templates/vpc.yaml
name: {{ env }}-vpc
disable_rollback: true
  - key: Project
    value: step-by-step

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: VPC stack in {{ env }} environment
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC
      CidrBlock: {{ vpc_cidr }}
      EnableDnsSupport: true
      EnableDnsHostnames: true
      - Key: Name
        Value: {{ vpc_name }}
      - Key: Env
        Value: {{ env }}

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
        Ref: VPC
      GroupDescription: {{ env }}-vpc Default SG
        - IpProtocol: -1
          FromPort: -1
          ToPort: -1
        - Key: Name
          Value: {{ env }}-default
        - Key: Env
          Value: {{ env }}

  # Allow traffic within subnets
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
        Ref: DefaultSG
      IpProtocol: -1
        Ref: DefaultSG
      FromPort: -1
      ToPort: -1

# Create a subnet in each AZ
{% for n in vpc_subnets %}
  Subnet{{ loop.index0 }}:
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet
          - '{{ loop.index0 }}'
          - Fn::GetAZs: ''
        Ref: VPC
      CidrBlock: {{ n }}
      - Key: Name
        Value: {{ env }}-az{{ loop.index0 }}
      - Key: Env
        Value: {{ env }}

  SubnetRouteTableAssociation{{ loop.index0 }}:
    Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
        Ref: Subnet{{ loop.index0 }}
        Ref: RouteTable
{%- endfor %}

    Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
        - Key: Name
          Value: {{ env }}-igw
        - Key: Env
          Value: {{ env }}

    Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
        Ref: VPC
        Ref: InternetGateway

    Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable
        Ref: VPC
        - Key: Name
          Value: {{ env }}-default-routetable
        - Key: Env
          Value: {{ env }}

    Type: AWS::EC2::Route
    DependsOn: AttachGateway
        Ref: RouteTable
        Ref: InternetGateway

There are two YAML documents in the above template. First one is a stack metadata document and the second one is where we define AWS resources. Both documents can be templated using Jinja2 syntax. In fact, the metadata document says that a stack name starts with an environment name, which makes it easy to reuse this template for different environments.

We defined the following AWS resources in the VPC template:

  • VPC

    vpc_cidr and vpc_name properties are being referenced from the properties file. Yes, we could hard-code them into the template, but by not doing so, we made our template more flexible.

  • DefaultSG

    A default security group with a single rule allowing all egress traffic.

  • AllTrafficSGIn

    Adds an ingress rule to DefaultSG to allow all traffic between instances with the same security group.

  • SubnetN

    We iterate over vpc_subnets and create a subnet in each availability zone.

The rest should be self-explanatory.

Now that we have our VPC template defined, it’s time to create another template to define our auto scaling group.

Define an AutoScaling Group Template

$ vim templates/coreos-asg.yaml
name: {{ env }}-coreos-asg
  - key: Project
    value: step-by-step

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: CoreOS ASG in {{ env }} environment
    Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
      {% for n in range(vpc_subnets|count) %}
        - Fn::Select:
          - '{{ n }}'
          - Fn::GetAZs: ''
      {% endfor -%}
        Ref: LaunchConfiguration
      {% for n in range(vpc_subnets|count) %}
        - {{ get_stack_resource(cf_conn, env + '-vpc', 'Subnet' + n|string) }}
      {% endfor -%}
        - 'OldestInstance'
        - 'Default'
      MaxSize: 1
      MinSize: 1
        - Key: Name
          Value: {{ env }}-coreos
          PropagateAtLaunch: true
        - Key: Env
          Value: {{ env }}
          PropagateAtLaunch: true
        PauseTime: PT1S

    Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
      AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
      ImageId: {{ get_ami_id(ec2_conn, ami_name) }}
      InstanceMonitoring: false
      InstanceType: {{ instance_type }}
        - {{ get_stack_resource(cf_conn, env + '-vpc', 'DefaultSG') }}

This template demonstrates the power of cross-stack referencing.

In our VPC stack we created 3 subnets, one in each availability zone. An autoscaling group can dynamically spread instances across availability zones, but for that to work, it needs to be given a list of availability zones and a list of VPC subnets corresponding to each particular availability zone. Using stacks we can simply iterate over a number of vpc_subnets and get each subnet’s physical id using get_stack_resource() helper function.

If you look at LaunchConfiguration resource definition, you notice that instead of specifying an AMI id for the CoreOS instances, we used get_ami_id() function to get the correct AMI id, by providing just ami_name, which we set in our properties file, see Create a properties file.

This allows us to reuse this template in different regions, because otherwise you would have to create some sort of AMI to region mapping, because AMIs are region specific.

Now that we have both templates defined, let’s deploy them.

Deploy templates

We are going to be deploying stacks using project1 profile. If you prefer using environment variables for configuring AWS authentication, then you don’t have to specify the profile.

Sample templates requires you to provide an environment name, for this guide, let’s call it learning. Properties file is environment-aware and can have a common set of properties as well as per-environment ones. See Configuration.

There are two ways to set an environment:

  • STACKS_ENV environment variable
  • --env or -e command line argument to the subcommands

Create the VPC stack:

$ stacks -p project1 create -e learning -t templates/vpc.yaml -f

Wait for the VPC stack to finish creating, because we know that the coreos-asg stack depends on the VPC and other infrastructure resources being there.

$ stacks -p project1 create -e learning -t templates/coreos-asg.yaml -f

Check the status:

$ stacks -p project1 list
learning-coreos-asg  CREATE_COMPLETE
learning-vpc         CREATE_COMPLETE

Deployment update

After you have successfully launched your stacks, you might want to update or change the deployment as your application evolves. Stacks allows you to change a stack by:

  • Adding or removing resources to the deployment
  • Updating some properties of existing resources in your stack

Remember that stacks uses CloudFormation, which uses the underlying APIs of AWS services to manage resources. If an API doesn’t support a certain action, stacks cannot perform that action either. For example, CloudFormation can only update an existing resource if there is an update method in the corresponding API. Some resources have to be replaced instead.

Let’s change the version CoreOS in config.yaml, so that it now looks like this:

vpc_name: MyVPC

ami_name: CoreOS-alpha-899.1.0-hvm
instance_type: t3.micro

Since ami_name is not used anywhere in VPC stack, we only need to update the autoscaling group stack:

$ stacks -p project1 update -e learning -t templates/coreos-asg.yaml

This time we didn’t set -f command line flag to follow events, which means that stacks fires an API call and exits. But luckily, there is a way to get events from an existing stack:

$ stacks -p project1 list
learning-coreos-asg  UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS
learning-vpc         CREATE_COMPLETE

$ stacks -p project1 events -f learning-coreos-asg

Wait until the update has finished, and check the status:

$ stacks --profile project1 list
learning-coreos-asg  UPDATE_COMPLETE
learning-vpc         CREATE_COMPLETE

Clean up

AWS resources incur charges, so you should delete this deployment. Deleting this deployment takes care of deleting all the resources created by both templates.

To delete this deployment:

$ stacks -p project1 delete learning-coreos-asg -f --yes
$ stacks -p project1 delete learning-vpc -f --yes