Getting Sarted Guide

Use this Getting Started Guide to get you up and running as quickly as possible with your first deployment.

The goal of this guide is to create a given number of S3 buckets. The quickstart assumes you’re familiar with YAML syntax, comfortable with Linux command line and have a working Python 3.x installation.

Create an AWS account


We are not responsible for any charges that may incur. However, this guide does not create AWS resources which are outside of free tier.

If you don’t already have an AWS account, you can sign up for a free trial:

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the instructions to sign up for the free trial.
  3. Go to IAM and create a user with AdministratorAccess policy attached and generate access keys.

Install stacks

$ pip install cfstacks

Export aws access keys and default region to shell environment, replacing AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with your own keys.

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

Define a template

A template describes all the resources for a single CloudFormation stack. A template is written in YAML syntax and is made of two documents: stack metadata document, followed by resources document.

  • Metadata document defines stack-specific properties, like stack name, tags, rollback policy, etc.
  • Resources document defines AWS resources and it is a standard CloudFormation template, only in YAML.

Create a template file named buckets.yaml:

name: s3-buckets

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: S3 buckets
  {% for n in range(buckets_count|int) %}
  S3Bucket{{ loop.index0 }}:
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      BucketName: {{ env }}-{{ bucket_name_prefix }}{{ loop.index0 }}-{{ region }}
  {% endfor -%}

In summary, the template describes, that s3-buckets stack contains a number of AWS::S3::Bucket type resources. The number of buckets is defined via buckets_count property.

Deploy your template

Create our first stack:

$ stacks create --template buckets.yaml --env dev
Required properties not set: buckets_count,bucket_name_prefix

We get an error about missing properties. To fix that, we must specify the missing properties. Add the --follow flag, to follow stack events:

$ stacks create --template buckets.yaml --env dev --follow \
  --property bucket_name_prefix=my-awesome-bucket \
  --property buckets_count=3
2018-09-10 18:30:08.428000+01:00  CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack  s3-buckets  User Initiated
2018-09-10 18:30:10.883000+01:00  CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::S3::Bucket  S3Bucket0
2018-09-10 18:30:10.963000+01:00  CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::S3::Bucket  S3Bucket2
2018-09-10 18:30:10.966000+01:00  CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::S3::Bucket  S3Bucket1
2018-09-10 18:30:11.732000+01:00  CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::S3::Bucket  S3Bucket2  Resource creation Initiated
2018-09-10 18:30:11.837000+01:00  CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::S3::Bucket  S3Bucket0  Resource creation Initiated
2018-09-10 18:30:11.923000+01:00  CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  AWS::S3::Bucket  S3Bucket1  Resource creation Initiated
2018-09-10 18:30:32.608000+01:00  CREATE_COMPLETE  AWS::S3::Bucket             S3Bucket2
2018-09-10 18:30:32.615000+01:00  CREATE_COMPLETE  AWS::S3::Bucket             S3Bucket0
2018-09-10 18:30:32.782000+01:00  CREATE_COMPLETE  AWS::S3::Bucket             S3Bucket1
2018-09-10 18:30:34.229000+01:00  CREATE_COMPLETE  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack  s3-buckets

Use of --env is optional, however it’s a good practice to separate resources by environment.

See your new deployment

See the status of your new stack by running:

$ stacks list

If you want to see what resources have been created by the stack, you can do that by running:

$ stacks resources s3-buckets
S3Bucket0  dev-my-awesome-bucket0-us-east-1  AWS::S3::Bucket  CREATE_COMPLETE
S3Bucket1  dev-my-awesome-bucket1-us-east-1  AWS::S3::Bucket  CREATE_COMPLETE
S3Bucket2  dev-my-awesome-bucket2-us-east-1  AWS::S3::Bucket  CREATE_COMPLETE

Clean up

Once you are done with your deployment, make sure to delete it to avoid being charged for resources by AWS.

To delete the deployment, run:

$ stacks delete s3-buckets -y

Next steps

Now that you have an idea of how stacks enhances CloudFormation, we recommend going through Step-by-Step Walkthrough for more comprehensive walkthrough.